Fines wishes, abandoned the use of starred columns to indicate what appears to be the best line of play for both sides. In comparing this new edition with its predecessor we may note that it contains 332 pages and 1,215 columns, as against 300 pages and 1,060 columns of seven years ago, We have gladly got rid of the cumbrous device of Addenda, which was forced upon us by circumstances of production in 1932. Fine, however, scrupulously adhered to the traditions of Modern Chess Openings, while availing himself fully of the privilege which must be con ceded to a master of his rank of expressing his personal opinions on the lines of play which are illustrated in the book, and altering as he thought fit the introductions to the various openings. Naturally we gave our reviser a free hand in dealing with his task, merely reserving to ourselves the editorial right of making such slight changes in his text as might seem to us necessary.

His past achievements had already made him famous and he added another glorious chapter to the story of his career, just as he had finished his work for us, by tieing for the first place in the great A. Reuben Fine needs no introduction to those who are interested in the game of chess. Reuben Fine with a suggestion that he should under take the task of revision and we gladly agreed. While we were considering the advisability of bringing it out in the current year we were approached by Mr. PREFACE TO THE SIXTH EDITION In the Sixth Edition of this book there is a notable change, which we are sure that all our supporters will appreciate. He helped develop computer Deeper Blue's opening repertoire in its match victory over arch-theoretician Gary Kasparov. This edition is an indispensable reference work for club and tournament players.International Grandmaster Nick de Firmian is a three-times US Champion and an expert on opening theory.

Covering every standard line of play, it provides the distilled essence of contemporary opening theory. Batsford's Modern Chess Openings is the most comprehensive single-volume work on the openings. The standard reference work on chess openings for more than half a century, earning the epithet 'the chess player's bible'. The classic chess reference book – as seen in Netflix’s The Queen’s Gambit.